Clean Waters provides the highest level of technical service to our family of clients. As our customer you will receive guidance and recommendations on how to maximize the performance of your plant. Onsite visits, troubleshooting, and training are provided in most cases at no additional cost.
Bench Scale Testing
Bench testing is a very useful tool that we use to evaluate current product performance. It is also used to troubleshoot applications that are not performing at peak output. With our bench testing methods, we can quickly screen dozens of products to find the optimum treatment solution for your plant.
Full Scale Pilot Test
After product selections have been made from bench scale testing, the next step is to try it full scale. Our technical team will provide onsite guidance and help during the test. In most cases Clean Waters will provide pilot samples at no charge.
There is nothing more frustrating to an operator than taking delivery of the first chemical order from a new supplier, and not having the product work. Because of our product selection methods and start up service, you can be rest assured that this will not happen to you. At your request, we will help you start up your first order from us; we will also provide training and ongoing support.